ASIS&T Guest Speaker: Dr. James E. Osler

The SLIS Student Chapter of ASIS&T (Association for Information Science and Technology) is pleased to host as program speaker Dr. James E. Osler  from the School of EducationThe program will begin with a brief business meeting to elect officers for 2021-2022. The Zoom link is below. The meeting starts at 11 am on Saturday, October 16.  (Flyer is also attached)

He is an artist, edu-scientist, entrepreneur, researcher, statistician, teacher, and technologist. As a professor in the Curriculum & Instruction program, Dr. Osler teaches courses in educational technology and instructional design.  Would you like to learn about entrepreneurial applications of Information Science education?  Do you have questions about School Media or Library Science teaching tools? Dr. Osler will be able to answer your questions and describe graduate courses in education.  (Note: We have an MIS and Education Masters dual degree with the SOE.) If you seek creative learning techniques, measurements for distance/online learning, or community-based education ideas, this program opportunity is for YOU! 

Please join ASIS&T officers and chapter members along with SLIS students, faculty and staff. The meeting link via ZOOM: 

Or you can call in: +1 301 715 8592 Meeting ID: 550 322 1965 Passcode: 757737 

Also, consider joining the ASIS&T chapter as member or associate member.