Internships at US Environmental Protection Agency Library, Research Triangle Park, NC

Internships at US Environmental Protection Agency Library, Research Triangle Park, NC Beginning August 2020 Since 1974, the School of Information and Library Science at UNC-Chapel Hill has provided library services to the Environmental Protection Agency in Research Triangle Park, with students gaining invaluable experience through the internship program. Former EPA interns can be found in all areas of the library world, and many have gone on to become leaders in libraries and the information industry. The internship celebrated its 40th Anniversary in April 2015 and was the subject of a June 2015 article in American Libraries. EPA Library interns rotate through several departments, including reference, interlibrary loan, literature searching, serials/e-resource management, and cataloging. Interns can gain library instruction experience if interested, and all interns work on special projects. Project opportunities may include areas such as outreach, collection development, serials, cataloging, bibliometric analysis, data visualization, citation management tools, and document delivery systems