
Tenure & Promotion Criteria can be found here

    My 2012 Portfolio can be found here

      Suggested Reading

      The Information By James Gleick

      The Master Switch By Tim Wu

      The Diamond Age: Or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer By Neal Stephenson

      Open Source

      gpeterson I am interested in exploring the scientific and societal changes that open, shared information is effecting. Open source and open access are changing science and scholarship. The impact of open source software is self-evident, universities and libraries are feeling pressure to adopt open access publishing. Just as the Internet has changed every information-based discipline, open hardware such as Arduino, MakerBot and RepRap are bringing disruptive changes to the world of objects. These technologies empower individuals, institutions and society, but can also work orthogonally to our various interests. Understanding the nature and effects of pervasive information is essential to using these tools well.

      Wise Words

      "There is no capital more useful than intellect and wisdom, and there is no indigence more injurious than ignorance and unawareness."

      - Ali bin Abu-Talib