Author Archives: nccualachapter

First ALA Student Chapter Meeting of the 2012-2013 Year!

Please join us for the first ALA Student Chapter meeting of the year THIS Wednesday, September 12, at 5:15PM in Room 337! It’s a great way to meet other MLS and MIS students!

Come with your ideas about what you’d like our chapter to do in the year ahead. Questions about what ALA, as a national organization, has to offer grad students and jobhunters? This meeting will be a great place to ask!

Everyone is welcome!


Clipart from

Welcome NCCU ALA Student Chapter!

The purpose of North Carolina Central University ALA Student Chapter is to articulate and promote the professional needs and goals of library and information science students; to foster and encourage professional competence; to influence American libraries, organizations and associations to use their expertise and prestige to bring about change within the library system in order to make it responsive to the needs of the community; to organize social and professional events; and to do any and all things necessary and lawful for the accomplishment of these purposes within such limits as are provided by law.