Monthly Archives: January 2013

Interview with Ta-Shire Tribbett, MLS ’12

Ta-Shire TribbettTa-Shire Tribbett graduated from NCCU SLIS in December 2012 with an MLS, and works for the Thurgood Marshall Law Library at University of Maryland’s Baltimore Campus. Here’s her story!

What is your current position, and what are your duties?

My current position is Government Documents Coordinator/Night & Weekend Supervisor at the Thurgood Marshall Law Library at the University of Maryland, Baltimore Campus. I am responsible for daily management of the depository collection of Government Documents here as well as hiring, training, and supervising the night and part-time staff. I also coordinate general planning and schedules for all intra- and interdepartmental training for new staff in one or more department as well as handle some social media and outreach for the library.

How did studying at NCCU SLIS help you prepare for your current work?

I had over 5 years of working in academic and public libraries before completing my MLS at Central, but my education gave me the background and the philosophy of why we do what we do.

What are your career goals?

I would love to be a subject librarian for African American studies or the Head of Research and Instructional Services at a four-year institution.

What advice would you give to students going through library school right now?

If possible, I would advise them to volunteer , or seek a part-time library job. School just teaches you theory, but skills make you marketable.

What advice would you give library students about job hunting in the library field?

Be open! As I discussed earlier, I have career goals, but I’ve been open about my job opportunities. I have no legal background whatsoever , but my skillset made me the ideal candidate for my current position, and in exchange I’m adding things to my resume that I’d never dreamed!

What advice would you give to people considering applying to library school?

Do it because you love it, because it’s something you’re passionate about. I love what I do and I can’t believe I get paid for it. Make sure you are practical about what you’ll get out of the experience and plan on getting into the field soon so you can be ready for a job when it becomes available.

What book(s) are you currently reading?

The Fourth Bear : A Nursery Crime by Jasper Fforde, Boston Noir (An Akashic Noir Series), and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Buying and Selling a Home by Shelley O’Hara.

Save the Date! NCCU SLIS Dinner at Mellow Mushroom on February 23

Come join us for dinner at the Mellow Mushroom at the American Tobacco Campus, across Imagethe street from the Durham Bulls Stadium. This will be a fun opportunity to catch up with fellow library students–or meet new ones! Check out the yummy menu, which includes vegetarian and gluten-free options:

Parking is plentiful around the ATC, including free parking in the deck.

Please RSVP on the Evite so that we can let Mellow Mushroom know how many of us to expect. . Know any classmates who aren’t on the guest list yet? Let us know! Significant others are welcome, but be sure to add them to your RSVP.

Everyone will be responsible for their own check.

Questions? Contact any of your ALA Student Chapter Officers!

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