Author Archives: nccualachapter

Student Interview: Carla Sarratt


From:  Cleveland, Ohio

Undergrad degree:   Bachelor of Arts in English and Psychology from Wittenberg University

Year in program:  I am in my last 30 days of the MLS program at NCCU and will graduate on December 8th.

Specialization: Special Library

Internships and extracurricular activities:  Since last December, I have been an intern at the Government and Heritage Library which is part of the State Library of North Carolina.  I also am a member of ALA, SLA and the North Carolina chapters for both organizations.  In my spare time, I enjoy reading, pinning, watching movies, baking, traveling, and listening to music.

What do you do?:  I recently became the librarian at the African American Cultural Center at North Carolina State University.

How did you get that job?:  I applied for the position when I found it one evening doing my duties for I Need a Library Job, prayed, interviewed, prayed again, and sent thank you notes as soon as I got home from my interviews.

 What’s the hardest thing about your job?:  I love what I do and am still excited to come to work every day.  I have ideas brewing all of the time, but the biggest challenge right now is being the new librarian at the circulation desk when the previous librarian served for many years.   I am confident that I will resolve that because I am taking steps now to overcome that challenge.

 Any advice for other students?:  Volunteer, intern, network, and fervently seek the experience that you need to get the job you want.  Don’t rely on what you learn in the classroom to be your only library science experience.

Global education day

Come out for a taste of the exotic on Wednesday from 3:30-5:45. Ms. Olivia Jones, the assistant director of the Office of International Affiars will be our keynote speaker, we will hear from students who participated in the study abroad trip to Denmark, and there will be a pot luck reception. Sign up  online to bring a dish to share!

Interview with Jennifer Meyer: Librarian extraordinaire!

This is the second installment of our interviews with professional librarians series. A big thank you to Jennifer Meyer, Library Director at Miller-Motte in Raleigh, for taking part in our series. Be sure to check out her blog @!

Tell us about yourself!

I graduated with an undergraduate degree in Biology (December 2004) and finished my MLS from NCCU in December of 2009.  I currently work as the library director for a small career college in Raleigh, Miller-Motte.  I have been the director there for four years and before that worked at their Cary campus location as the assistant librarian.  I love technology and wish our currently library school curriculum offered more in the way of technical training in IT.  I believe in the changes of our profession and am very excited to see how that change progresses over the next generation.

How did you become a librarian?

I read a book about careers for book lovers and it was listed there.  I remember thinking; “Oh yeah, libraries hire people too!”.  From there I quickly started at NCCU and finished their online program.

What do you like best about your work as a librarian?

The new happenings in the field.  I love thinking of creative new ways to put information in the hand of the user.  I love the collaboration that is happening in our profession with so many others. 

What are your hobbies outside of work?

Reading :), I also love to travel, cook, crochet and spend time with family and friends.

What advice would you give to current library students?

Start building your professional network right now.  Get to know people in the field that work in different types of libraries.  Get online, start a blog, follow people on Twitter and forge your own path.  Our profession is changing right now so be sure to be on the edge of that change.

Currently reading:

“What the plus! Google+ for the rest of us” by Guy Kawasaki and “The Red Pyramid” by Rick Riordran

Interview with Nicole Duggins: Distance Education Student

Name:  Nicole Duggins

From and/or studying from: From Fayetteville, NC

Year in program: 1st

Specialization: Special Libraries

What do you do?:  I am a Database Administrator for DB2 for z/OS.  I also work on the system side.

Hardest thing about being a DE student?  Working in a group with other geographically dispersed DE students.  I also miss the social interaction.

Tips for other DE students?  Stay connected with other students.  I find that most of the students are willing to connect to share experiences and give advice.  Also, try to stay involved in student organizations through elluminate, facebook, or wordpress.  After working for 8 years, I realize that connections are important.  I wish I would have know this during my undergrad years.  I wish I would have known that I wanted to be a librarian years ago.  I am really enjoying the classes.

Anything else we should know about you?  Even though I am a techie curmudgeon in the basement, I love to laugh and love the ballet.  If anyone ever wants to go to the ballet, let me know.


Ciara Healy: Librarian and Carolina Rollergirl

This post begins our new brand series of interviews with professional librarians who inspire, in and out of the library. Thanks to Ciara Healy, Librarian for Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University, for agreeing to be first! 

Tell us about yourself!

I am the librarian for Psychology & Neuroscience at Duke University though I have had a varied library career, working mostly at public universities and community college libraries in the Midwest and in the South. I have been a cataloger, a school library media specialist (uncertified), a media librarian and an instruction librarian, to name a few. I would also love to live and work abroad.

How did you become a librarian?

I went to library school to become a librarian. I never worked a day in my life in a library before I went to library school and only in my last semester did I volunteer at a library as a practicum project.  I was a philosopher before I went to library school at the University of Illinois through their LEEP program. When I was in grad school to be a philosopher a professor came into our offices and said, “The philosophy librarian has some money left over and so if you have any purchase recommendations for the collection, let me know.” I was deeply moved by the utterance “philosophy librarian” and even though it was years before I went to library school, I felt the deep conviction to become a librarian for the first time that day. It also helped my library career that I didn’t finish my dissertation in philosophy.

What do you like best about your work as a librarian?

I like best working with researchers. I find the subject fascinating and the work rewarding. For instance, I was recently asked by a researcher to help find videos on You Tube showing marijuana use by groups and also videos of paraphernalia. The videos would serve as cues for subjects in experiments on addiction.  I spent a very productive afternoon doing searches on You Tube for the following: “bongs OR vaporizers”, “smoking dope in an alley”, “high and video games” and “sticky buds”.

How did you get involved in roller derby?

I saw a poster for try-outs in a Durham cafe. My sister was with me and we decided to both go to the skills bootcamp and practice our skating skills until the day of try outs. We both did – I made it but my sister did not. That was in July 2011.  I have just passed my one year “derbeyversary” and am finally good enough to start skating in bouts for the Carolina Rollergirls’ B team, the Bootleggers. I train three or four days a week either at a league practice or speed skating and the team is very competitive, so getting to skate in a bout against another league is a big deal. I cross train with yoga. It is a full contact sport with a lot of strategy and skating skill involved. It is also super fun to play! It looks really fast and crazy and dangerous – which it definitely is –  but learning to play is a lot about safety and learning to take hits and falls and keep on skating. Here is my skater profile:

What do you like best about being involved in roller derby and the Carolina Rollergirls?

I like the fitness aspect. I have to say, as one of the older players on the team, I am in the best shape of my adult life thanks to derby. I also like the competitive aspect – I love to win, and that really motivates me to practice. I have a hard time sticking with other kinds of work outs without the competitive aspect. I like to win at yoga, too. I also appreciate having such an engaging group of women to socialize with. Check out our site and come to a bout! We also need and appreciate volunteers :-)

Do you have any other hobbies?

Unsurprisingly, I like to read. Also I like audio books and I like to knit, though I am not a very accomplished knitter. I also meditate, but that is for sanity, not for fun. And meditating is way harder than derby.

What advice would you give to current library students?

When I was graduating from library school, I was told this:  “You can have the job you want. You can have the salary you want.  You can live in the place you want… And you get to pick only two of those three when accepting a library job.”  I have been a librarian for less than 10 years and have had at least 4 library jobs in different cities and states and my job descriptions have been different every time. I have moved cities, I have moved jobs within a library, I have moved from state to state and I am willing to do it again. I know not everyone is in the position to do this, but with three library schools in a two-hour proximity, I’d encourage new librarians in the Triangle to think broadly and be bold in their librarianship to get the jobs that they want. Maybe you think you can’t do it. Try.

Currently reading:

I am currently reading Stephen Fry’s autobiography The Fry Chronicles. I am currently listening to Neal Stephenson’s novel Odalisque. I am currently watching The Good Wife on DVD. I am also currently streaming You Tube videos about knitting short rows. At work, I am listening to’s online radio station polarlicht.  I am downloading some images from Flickr’s Creative Commons.  Later, my iPad will serve as a remote and mirror to my TV so I can watch derby bouts online on a bigger screen. I am also chatting online with three people – one library colleague (talking about alt metrics and citation managers for an upcoming presentation), one teammate (about the upcoming bout – what wheels to bring to skate on concrete) and a friend from Wisconsin (should I go to Sweden with her over break?)

Community Engagement Opportunity

Hello all!

I received the following email from Dr. Swain about a great way to give back to a community while gaining some library experience.  Please think about giving some of your time to help!

Tamara Rhodes



From: Paula Lindsay []
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2012 7:19 PM
To: Harris, Marsha
Subject: Library Student Opportunity


Dear Marsha,

My name is Paula Lindsay and I’m writing from Langley, British Columbia. I volunteer  with a non-profit organization called Hearts and Hands for Haiti, based out of Raleigh, NC. For the past two years I have been fundraising and collecting French children’s books in efforts to provide two schools in Gonaives, Haiti with libraries. Working in partnership with Brenda Herb from Raleigh, we have gathered a sizeable collection, currently stored in the basement of her home. After a very difficult summer in which both of her parents passed away, Brenda is not able to give the same amount of time to the project. What we need help with is the cataloguing and labeling of the books. I thought this might be a job that a library student would benefit from as they would be able to practically see the processing of library books from the ground up. The schools in Gonaives have no access to computers so we will need to rely on Dewey and the trusted old card and envelope system. I am confident that if Brenda could have three or four students to help with this project it would take at the most two or three days. We were hoping to have the first library completed at the end of December but I think it will be realistically closer to the spring. If this is an opportunity that sparks enthusiasm, please let me know and we can work on the details. If you know of anyone else in the Raleigh area who may be a good fit, please feel free to forward them this email.


Many thanks,


Paula Lindsay

Library Information & Technology Programme

University of the Fraser Valley


We want YOU to get involved

Classes are in full swing and your ALA Student Chapter Officers can’t wait to organize some fun, informative events for the 2012-2013 school year. But, first, we need your help! We want everyone (online and on-campus) to feel connected, so please fill out the below form and let us know what activities and events interest you.

We look forward to your responses and hope to see you at our next meeting (Wednesday, September 26th @ 5:15pm in Room 337 and on Blackboard Collaborate)!

[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheet/embeddedform” query=”formkey=dHZ2WEdwdlBQdmtDZTkxUHhITkdTQmc6MQ” width=”760″ height=”1259″ /]

New NCCU ALA Student Chapter Officers

Thanks to all who attended last night’s ALA Student Chapter meeting, both on campus and through Blackboard Collaborate! This year’s ALA Student Chapter officers are:


President: Tamara Rhodes

Vice-President: Lesley Looper

Secretary: Desiree Peterson

Public Relations: Jessica McQuade


The officers are looking forward to working with the whole chapter and Dr. Abdullahi, our faculty advisor, to have an outstanding year!

Next Meeting is September 19: NCCU ALA Student Chapter Elections

Thanks to all who came to our first NCCU ALA Student Chapter Meeting last evening! What a great crowd! Several online students joined us through Blackboard Collaborate as well–wonderful! During the meeting we talked about last year’s chapter activities, as well as the many benefits of being part of ALA, both nationally and at our library school level.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 19, 2012, at 5:15PM in Room 337, Shepard Library. We will be electing chapter officers for the 2012-2013 school year! MLS and MIS students are welcome to come, and all students, whether new, returning, full-time or part-time. are welcome to run for office. The NCCU ALA Student Chapter Executive Board consists of:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary/Treasurer
  • Public Relations

Whether you’re interested in running for office or not, please join us to take part in the voting process and share your ideas for the coming year!

See you on Wednesday!