Hesburgh Libraries at the University of Notre Dame – 2016 Librarian-in-Residence

Hesburgh Libraries at the University of Notre Dame is looking for applicants for the 2016 Librarian-in-Residence position. This is a two-year position for early-career librarians who are from groups that have been historically underrepresented in professional learning and service. In addition to gaining post-degree experience in academic librarianship, the candidate will receive support for professional engagement, including but not limited to service to the profession, research and scholarship, and service to the Hesburgh Libraries. Candidates should note that during the 2016-2017 academic year, Hesburgh Library priorities focus on assessment, project management, and space planning.


For full details of this position, please see the Librarian-in-Residence job posting on the Libraries employment page; position is also attached to this email as a pdf. The position posting and application instructions can also be found on the Interfolio website at: apply.interfolio.com/34140


Review of applications begins immediately.